In the unlikely event you are not fully satisfied with your order, you must inform the company by contacting us within 14 days of receiving the goods. If you decide not to keep the product, it must be returned unused, as new, without damages and with the original packaging. Please note that you will be liable for the carriage costs involved in the return of goods and take the responsibility for the returned package(s). We will not issue a refund in the case of the package(s) being damaged outside of our control. When the goods have been fully inspected after their return and goods are in a saleable condition, we will refund the price which will be paid within 30 days of the goods having been returned.
Products that are made or altered specifically for you, or where an item has been produced to a bespoke design or a precise customer specification, may not be returned under any circumstances unless defective or have been accidentally damaged in the course of delivery. All claims for damage must be notified within 14 days from the delivery date.
If we deliver incorrect or damaged goods, or in the event that you discover any defect in the goods for which you require compensation or other remedy, you must report the defect within 14 days of the date you receive them by contacting us in writing. Please keep the products purchased in a saleable condition and retain the original packaging in the condition it was provided.
We will not be liable for any damage or loss resulting from repairs attempted by you or third parties.